Society of Geological Engineers and Technicians of Serbia

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Geological hazards and damage to the enviroment: What after cyclone Tamara

Serbia and the countries in the region — BiH and Croatia, were hit in the previous days by the strong cyclone Tamara, causing catastrophic floods and large and numerous soil instabilities, causing human casualties and enormous damages and problems in the environment. In Serbia, the great involvement of the Government, local authorities and the entire society prevented the damages from being even greater. A large part of these damages were caused by the occurrence of geological elements, i.e. the activation of landslides, landslides and other ground instability.
From the very beginning of the appearance of these geological elements, geological engineers provided professional assistance to the republican, city and local crisis headquarters and explained these phenomena to the general public in statements for television, radio and print media. In the period of damage repair that is ahead of us, a significant role should be played by the geological profession. This is also an opportunity to review the possible contributions of the geological profession in remediation of damages and prevention of geological elements, as well as the status of geology in our country, and to introduce other professions, legislators and the general public to all of this and ensure their necessary cooperation and support. 
The Society of Geological Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SGEITS) with its membership is ready to continue its very active engagement in improving the status of the geological profession in our country, through the improvement of legal regulations, cooperation with other professions and state and local government bodies.To this end, we published a special number of special editions of the DGEITS Bulletin with the desire to introduce this issue not only to members and friends of DGEITS, but also to legislators and the general public, as well as to introduce and explain to the general public some concepts and processes related to geological elements and their consequences.

Draft Law on Geological Research and Mining

During the previous Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning (MPRRPP) initiated the adoption of a new law on geology and mining, called the Law on Geological Research and Mining. MPRRPP prepared the Draft Law and organized two public hearings and planned to hold another public hearing that was not held due to the parliamentary elections. In the new Government, some ministries have been rearranged and now the relevant ministry for geology is the Ministry of Mining and Energy. So far, there have been no new activities related to the Draft Law on Geological Exploration and Mining. (More in DGEITS Bulletin pos. ed. no. 1).

Rulebook on the amount and method of payment of compensation for the use of data and geological documentation

The Minister of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning brought on 10.03.2014. year The Rulebook on the extent and manner of using data and documentation of basic and applied geological research financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia was published in the Official Gazette of the RS and entered into force. The Rulebook has 8 articles. (More in DGEITS Bulletin No. 13).

Professional exams for geological engineers

Graduated geological engineers took the professional exam for the geological profession on June 27, 2014. yr., before the commission formed by SITS and DGEITS based on the authority of the competent ministry. The next exam period is in November 2014.Requirements for applying, preparing and taking the exam can be found on the website

European engineering card

The European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) issues the engineering card and eur-ing title through its member-national associations. The engineering card is a professional card, issued in accordance with FEANI's prescribed procedures, in English and valid for 10 years. IC enables obtaining information about the cardholder, his formal qualifications, training and work experience, through the Extract from the National Register of Engineers. In Serbia, preparations are underway for the issuance of IC, and it is issued by the Commission for the National Register, formed by the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, as a national partner of FEANI. (More on the website